Cost Comparison

Check out the TFI pricing and cost comparison with your current providers

Cost Comparison

Check out the TFI pricing and cost comparison with your current providers

Competitive Currency Conversions

TFI enables your business to make payments from one country to another and avoid paying excessive currency spreads on your conversion rates.


We offer the best possible currency conversion spreads, and our commissions are super-competitive, plus there are no hidden fees.

Secure Transactions

Payment thresholds and different authorization levels can be set for all users. We also adhere to PSD2 Secure Customer Authentication guidelines.


Our specialized team is always available to provide our clients with customized solutions.


Your transactions are quickly processed and payments are delivered precisely and seamlessly. 

Funds Segregation

Client funds are safeguarded according to the EU regulations and kept in segregated accounts, separate from the Company’s funds.


 For 25 years the TFI team has been providing its business clients specialized currency management solutions. 


TFI follows strict regulations that respect the privacy of the client’s transactions and data.


Estimate your future savings on your currency conversions and payments abroad.

Sell EUR to USD
Estimate your future savings on your currency conversions and payments abroad.
Amount to Buy
Exchange rate (1 EUR - USD)
10 ? Exchange commission 0 Swift cost 0 Same day charge (if sent same day) 0 Processing 0 Total charges Euro 10
Amount to be transferred in EUR
Exchange rate (1 EUR - USD)
? Exchange commission 0 Swift cost 0 Same day charge (if sent same day) 0 Processing 0 Total charges Euro 10
Amount to be transferred in EUR
Provider Exchange rate
(1 EUR - USD)
Charges Amount to be transferred in EUR
TFI logo
10 ? Exchange commission 0 Swift cost 0 Same day charge (if sent same day) 0 Processing 0 Total charges Euro 10
Other Banks Change rate
? Exchange commission 0 Swift cost 0 Same day charge (if sent same day) 0 Processing 0 Total charges Euro 10
Total saving with TFI in EUR:
Total saving with TFI in %:

Get Started with TFI

Contact us today to discuss the next steps for your business.

At TFI, our team of experts will analyze your currency needs and offer you solutions that can support your business grow. With 25 years of experience, our professionals are always on hand for any of your currency-related queries.